Acne Treatment for Teenagers

Acne is extremely common in teenagers. It is noted that approximately 8 out of 10 teenagers have acne at some point during puberty. Acne in teens, like adults, is caused by oil build up in the pores.

However, the changing hormones that teens experience cause an increase in the risk of developing acne as well. Many teenagers become embarrassed by acne and may not realize the proper way to treat acne. It is important not to pick at or pop pimples. This will not help acne heal. In fact, it will cause acne scars. The best thing to do is complete a daily facial cleansing regimen.

Acne Treatment for Teenagers

Home Acne Treatment for Teenagers

As the main cause for acne in teenagers is excess oil that is released during puberty, the best acne treatments are ones that are similar to those designed for an oily skin type. There are many home remedies for acne that can help control the acne that happens during the teen years.

One active ingredient found in many acne treatments is salicylic acid. One natural source of salicylic acid is strawberries. There is an easy to make mask which involves mashing strawberries and applying the mixture to your face. You should leave the strawberry mask on your face and rinse off after 15 minutes.

A common home remedy that many teenagers know about is applying toothpaste to the affected area. Many teenagers apply toothpaste to their skin to get rid pimples and end up with their skin becoming irritated. There are many steps that need to be followed so this does not happen. First, wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Next, apply the toothpaste to the pimples. This should be done by rubbing it on the affected area until you can no longer see the toothpaste. Finally, leave on overnight and wash your face first thing in the morning. Two common mistakes include using a gel based toothpaste and applying to an already popped pimple. Doing these things will continue to irritate the skin.

Best Acne Treatment for Teenagers

Many teenagers do not know the proper way to care for their skin. By caring for their skin and completing a daily skin cleansing regimen they will be able to lower their risk of further occurrences of acne. A good facial regimen should begin around the age of eleven. This is due to the fact that many teens starting to experience prepubescent hormones and their skin needs begin to change.

To prevent and eliminate acne, teenagers should begin with a facial cleanse. The best facial cleanser will depend on what type of skin the teenager has. It is important for teens to always wash their hands before washing their face to ensure dirt does not get transferred to the face. While washing their face, they should begin with warm water and end with cool water.

Toner is a great addition to any facial regimen for teenagers. Again, it is important that they base their choice of toner on the type of skin that they have. It is most effective to use upward strokes when applying toner.

As many teenagers suffer from oily skin it is important that they do not use a moisturizer for dry skin. This may increase oil production and the chances of acne. A light moisturizer is appropriate for many teens.


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