Mild Acne Treatment

Mild acne is the most common type of acne. It can occur at any age and is present in both men and women. It usually begins in the early teenage years. Most people will have some form of mild acne at some point in their lives.

Mild acne can appear in the forms of pustules, whiteheads, papules, blackheads, nodules, and cysts. Mild acne tends to not have any inflammation or cause any acne scars on the skin. Most of the time mild acne can be treated at home with basic over the counter treatments. Some of the most severe types of acne which would need a dermatologist recommendation for treatment. No matter how mild or severe you acne is, it is important to begin and comply with a daily facial regimen.

Mild Acne Treatment

Mild Acne Treatment at Home

A great at home solution for clearing acne begins by opening up your pores. When your pores are open you are able to get out the oil and dead skin which is causing the acne. You can open your pores by using heat. There are many ways that you can utilize heat to open your pores. The first is very simple. Take a very hot towel and apply it to the affected area for approximately 10 minutes. You could also steam your face using the shower for 15 minutes. After using heat to open your pores it is imperative that you wash your face immediately after. This will allow you to clean deep into your pores.

Aspirin is a great at home acne treatment that can be used daily. To make this acne treatment dissolve 2 aspirins into a half of a cup of water. This mixture can be applied to the face with a cotton ball. The aspirin can kill acne causing bacteria and clear up existing acne.

In order to prevent and eliminate acne a mask is a great way to start. A simple and quick homemade mask is made by mixing yogurt and ground oatmeal to make a paste. After applying the mask allow it to dry. Rinse off with warm water.

Best Treatment for Mild Acne

By developing a daily facial cleansing regimen you can begin to reduce built up excess oils and eliminate acne. The steps to clearing up mild acne include cleansing the skin, using a toner, and applying acne treatments and a moisturizer. It is important to use products that are appropriate for your skin type.

The first and most important step is cleaning your skin on a consistent basis. Cleansing of the skin should occur at least 2 times per day. It is best to use your fingers tips and cleanses gently. This will stop acne from spreading or becoming irritated.

A toner can be a great asset in reducing acne. Of course, you should determine your skin type prior to using a toner. If you have extremely dry skin it is best to not use a toner as it may dry it out further.

Mild acne can normally be treated through at home care. If your acne persists it may be best to look into purchasing an appropriate acne treatment. Find the best acne treatment for your skin and begin to implement it in your daily regimen.

Using moisturizer is a great way to keep your skin nourished. This is especially needed if you are going to use an acne medication as many medications may dry your skin.


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